Hurricanes Don’t Have to Hit Florida to Have Negative Impacts

Sea Turtle Nests Can Suffer From a Near Miss From a Hurricane


Hurricane Dorian spared Florida for the most part, but her extended stay offshore did have an impact on some of our state’s residents – sea turtles.

The incessant wind, rain and high surf did cause some damage to the sea turtle nests up and down the state’s east coast. There were numerous media reports of uncovered nests, and some video and photos showing exposed sea turtle eggs.

To help explain how hurricanes impact sea turtle nesting season, WRLN came to the experts at the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program, which is administered by Nova Southeastern University. You can see the story online below.



And remember, if you are ever on the beach and you see a dead, sick, or injured sea turtle or hatchling(s) in Broward County please call the SEA TURTLE EMERGENCY RESPONSE LINE at 954-328-0580



Joe Donzelli