It happened again – a mass shooting in the United States. It seems nearly a week can’t pass without one of these horrific incidents taking place, and a quick search online shows a long list of such occurrences. Many people are trying to understand why these occur and how they can help their children understand what they may see or hear on the evening news or on social media.
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is home to multiple experts who can provide insight and guidance related to mass shootings – below are brief bios on NSU’s experts, all of whom have experience working with print and broadcast media (including Zoom interviews) – Media Contact listed after expert bios:
Scott Poland, Ed.D., a professor at Nova Southeastern University’s College of Psychology, is a nationally recognized expert on school crisis, youth violence, suicide intervention, self-injury, school safety, threat assessment, parenting and the delivery of psychological services in schools. He is a founding member of the National Emergency Assistance Team for the National Association of School Psychologists and serves as the Prevention Director for the American Association of Suicidology. He has led multiple national crisis teams following numerous school shootings and suicides and has assisted schools and communities after terrorism acts in New York, Washington, D.C. and Oklahoma. Poland served as the team leader of the crisis response team sent to Jefferson County Public Schools during the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings. Dr. Poland has presented more than 1,000 workshops in all 50 states and has testified before Congress as a Subject Matter Expert.
Child Psychology:
Ralph E. (Gene) Cash, Ph.D., ABPP, is a licensed and board certified (ABPP and NCSP) psychologist, professor in NSU’s College of Psychology. He is also the director of NSU’s School-related Psychological Assessment and Clinical Interventions clinic, former president of the Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP), and former president of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Dr. Cash is a past president of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP); a former Florida representative to the NASP Delegate Assembly; and a former Southeast Regional Delegate Representative to the NASP Executive Council. His current research areas include suicide prevention, training of psychology students using simulated patients, fostering critical thinking in elementary school students, determining competencies necessary for doctoral level school psychologists, and assessing effects of public policy advocacy training on advocacy behaviors.
Jan Faust, Ph.D., is a professor at NSU’s College of Psychology. Her research interests include child-clinical and pediatric psychology: child abuse (sexual and physical) and neglect; child treatment outcome research; PTSD in children and adolescents; child adjustment to acute and chronic medical conditions; lifespan psychosis. She is the director of NSUs’ Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Program. As such, she can address how to talk to your children about such tragedies.
The NSU Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Program (CATSP) provides children and adolescents (birth–18) who are experiencing post-trauma symptoms with specialized psychological services to help them gain greater satisfaction in their lives. In addition to the availability of services for children and adolescents, the families of these traumatized children may also obtain services. Family forensic services are available for children and their families who are divorcing or dissolving their parenting partnership.
Joe Donzelli, APR | Office of Media Relations
Nova Southeastern University
954-262-2159 (office) | 954-661-4571 (cell) | | @NSU_Joe